Updates in Damage Control Resuscitation and Trauma Primary Survey Online Webinar


الفئة: دورات طبية
لغة الدورة: English
Accredited By: أكاديمية العلوم,

Discuss the recent updates on prioritizing hemorrhage control before Airway. CAB vs ABC approach

المدة الزمنية

2 ساعات

عدد المحاضرات



الدورات المسجلة

Updates in Damage Control Resuscitation and Trauma Primary Survey Online Webinar

Course Date and Timing:
Webinar | February 24, 2025 | 8:00 - 10:00 PM


Hosted by:
The Saudi Chapter of the American College of Surgeons 

Sponsored by:
The Academy of Science


Webinar Objectives:

  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of damage control resuscitation (DCR) and the trauma primary survey, highlighting recent evidence-based updates that improve patient outcomes.

  • Explore the latest strategies in DCR, including hemostatic resuscitation, optimal blood product ratios, and adjunctive therapies, and how they align with evolving trauma guidelines.

  • Discuss the recent updates on prioritizing hemorrhage control before Airway. CAB vs ABC approach.


Target Audience:
All Surgeons and Medical students.



  • Hassan Mashbari, MD, DABS
    - ⁠Assistant Professor in Surgery
    - ⁠Department of Surgery, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia
    - ⁠Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care Consultant
    - ⁠Trauma Pathway Leader, Jazan Region, Ministry of Health
    - ⁠General Surgery Residency Program Director, Jazan Region


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