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أكاديمية العلوم


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SHA Basic life Support Provider (BLS) Course- Evening Time

The attendee of this course will learn how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life suppo [..]

310 294

SHA Basic life Support Provider (BLS) Course

The attendee of this course will learn how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life suppo [..]

310 294

SHA Heart Saver and First Aid (HSFA) Course

The participants will train how to demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills and use an autom [..]

310 294

دورة دعم الحياة الأساسي باستخدام الواقع الافتراضي

The aim of the VR-BLS Course is to empower participants with advanced Basic Life Support skills


SHA NRP | Neonatal Resuscitation Program Accredited by Saudi Heart Association

NRP Program aims to enhance the skills of healthcare providers responsible for resuscitation of newb [..]

699 664

SHA ACLS| Advanced Cardiac Life Support Accredited by Saudi Heart Association

ACLS Provider Course provides a systematic method for recognizing, assessing, and management of pati [..]

849 806

SHA PALS | Pediatric Advanced Life Support Accredited by Saudi Heart Association

SHA PALS Provider Course is for healthcare intended professionals who work with severely ill childre [..]

849 806