CV, Resume, Biography and Cover Letters writing Workshop


الفئة: دورات الاختبارات التحضيرية
لغة الدورة: English
Accredited By: أكاديمية العلوم,

Everyone needs to learn the proper skills to develop their CVs or Resumes amd to have a professional cover letter template to use.

المدة الزمنية

5 ساعات


في المقر

CV, Resume, Biography and Cover Letters writing Workshop

Course Guidline:

  • Course will be conducted on 6 March 2023 at Academy of Sciences Center in Riyadh
  • The course starts from 2 PM until 7 PM
  • Participant must arrive on time.
  • Participant order will be confirmed within 24H and you will receive only order confirmation notifiction first.
  • Participant will receive a reminder a day before the course with the final attending details ( Location, Timing..etc).
  • Participants are encourjed to bring their laptop and own work as they will do practice on it.


Course Description

This workshop is the second in the Writing Skills series offered by AOS. The difference between a CV and a Resume is not clear and known by many individuals. The need for a proper cover letter is often disregarded when applying for new positions, or even promotions. Everyone needs to learn the proper skills to develop their CVs or Resumes amd to have a professional cover letter template to use. Moreover, they need to know how to make their documents appealing for certain positions. Nothing is set in stone and individuals need to have the sills and flexibility to adapt with the progress of their careers


Course Needs Assisments:

Leaders have identified the needs for these skills, especially when interviewing applicants for jobs. Multiple requests have been made to make sure individuals are able to prepare a professional CV and have an appropriate cover letter.


Learning OutComes from this workshop:

This worskhop aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the participants in the appropraite use of the APA. During the workshop, the participants will apply APA formating on examples provided by the instructor. Moreover, they have the opportunity to work on their own projects, dissertations, theses, doctoral studies, and documents.


Course Objectives 

  • Understand the fundamentals of APA
  • Implement the learned skills live during the workshop under the supervision and guidance of the instructor
  • Apply the skills learned their personal documents
  • Determine the extend of additional skills needed for them and how to address them



Academy of sciences


Target Audience

All Health care providers at all levels and University Students.

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