ECG Online Course old



Category: Medical courses
Course Language: English
Accredited By: Academy of Sciences, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties,

Read ECG, and identify and diagnose normal and abnormal heart rhythms


2 Days

Lessons Num


Credit Hours

10 Hours


Online Recorded Courses

ECG Online Course old

Course Time : 

6 PM to 9 PM


Course Description:



Is the easiest way to learn how to read ECG.Will give you the necessary skills to identify the normal and abnormal heart rhythms and how to diagnose and manage fatal arrhythmias . Will provide multiple practice stations with a quick and interactive method for learning arrhythmias

Accredited by Saudi commission for health specialties as 10 cme hours




Course Objectives



  • Anatomy and physiology of the heart and the conduction system of the heart.
  • Lead placement for recording a l2 lead ECG.
  • The normal 12 lead ECG and cardiac axis.
  • Rhythm recognition.
  • Rhythm abnormalities: atrial, junctional and ventricular.
  • ECG changes after infarction and ischaemia .
  • Cardiac conduction system abnormalities.



ECG Day 1

ECG Day 2



Registration is Closed

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